

Bagaimana cara membuat Program Sederhana dengan Notepad

hi guys, Now I'll Explains How to make a Simple program From Notepad.

You just need a Default Notepad, or Notepad++

here we go:

First, Open Your Notepad.

From Desktop, Click START > All Programs > Accessories>Notepad


From Document Files/Folder , Right Click > NEW> Text Document

Create The name of your Text Document eg : Install.So, It's will be install.txt (.txt = Text Document)

Write Code script like Shown Bellow :

If you wanna show a TEXT in Command Prompt, you should type @echo off.

Eg : @echo off

echo Here's my Text.

echo Here's my seconds text

echo here's my thirds text.

If you want to user choice, continue or not, just type pause.

Pause, Will freeze the Command Run and waiting for User's Input.

Like Text shown : "Press any key to continue..."

So, User have a choice, continue, or Close program.If you wanna run a File, just type : start [program name . extensions]

Make sure that the File is in same Folder

Eg :

I have a Files name Ninite. and it's Extensions is .exe

so, just type : start ninite.exe

If you have a Image files on your folder, type :



It's Clear?

Ok, Continue to the Next Step...

Save your Text document.

Click :FILES > Save as... > Then look image bellow

On File Name field :

Type your text document name, eg : install

then, make sure you type .bat behind your text document

so, it's will be : install.bat

then, in SAVE AS TYPE , make sure you change to "All files" (Look Image above)

Then click save.

So, You have install.bat file on your computer, right?

Ok, Make sure your install.bat and your file (eg ; ninite.exe) is in same folder.

see sample bellow, install.bat and ninite are in same folder.

Double Click / Run Your install.bat file, and then Command Prompt will shown . Like this.

Follow your Command , and then ...

Your File has opened! :D

See? Your Program was Running :D

So, I've install Ninite Flash Software, and Close Ninite.

Just type any key, and your program will closed :D

And back to your Desktop :D

Well,, It's just a sample.And it's a basic of command Prompt.

and basic of script code.

you will find more code while browsing in internet.

And hope this Helpfull.ok, You have create your first software?

wanna create more software?

Then, Good Luck!


Need Help? Add/Message me :

Imo Stealth

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